Friday, February 10, 2012


So last night I was playing around a bit and made a couple of new pendants.  Keep in mind they are not sanded yet and are in the very beginning stage but I think they will turn out fabualus when done.  I only made 2 of them as they were taking some time to make  but I wanted to share them with you all to see what you think of them.
The top hand is the inside of the hand.
 I have a thing for hands and feet!

 This is the outside of the hand.

As you can see with the bottom pick I need to clean it up a bit.  Hopefully I don't break it.
I was using a pin tool trying to form the fingers better but it wasn't working out as well as I would have liked.
I will show you whenever they are finally done.

I am also working on some gargoyels and a dragons

Here is a pic of the dragon so far.
Pretty cool!

That's all for now!

Love and Peace♥


  1. Okay now I that even a word? love these and the gargoyle pendants are awesome. Now there is a time and place for frilly girly stuff although I am sure you could incorporate it with these components, however I am inspired by these artistic pieces. Way to go Ingrid!!

  2. Me too, about the gargoyles and dragons. You should see my antique button collection of gargoyles and dragons! Man, would you be jealous. Love them, and can't wait to see them done.
