Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Well I finally did another glaze firing!  It has taken quite a while since the last one.

I am not sure how many hours of glazing and days! (or should I say weeks!)

Sorry I just had to vent about that as it seems like you are never done, and then when the end is thier you are so relieved that now you can load the kiln.

But this firing doesn't include any special orders  that I have been working on  for people,  I need to have a kiln load made before I can do that  firing.

This is info for customers that are waiting for items :)

Also Cilla from tellyourgirlfriends sent me a couple of pics of pieces she has just completed.
So here they are!

Cute pair of earrings!

And this little cutie! Love the owl!

To checkout more of Cilla's work here is a link to her shop!

So here are some pics of what came out of the kiln yesterday!

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It is like a small treasure chest of beads and pendants.
I guess all that glazing was worth it after all :)

Have a great day!

                                                               Love and Peace♥


  1. I'm working on your beads now and hope to have a necklace done tomorrow. This batch looks smashing! Lovely that is.

  2. What a yummy batch of beautiful beads and pendants!

  3. Hi Ingrid,
    Thanks for showing my jewelery with your great beads!!
    Your kiln does look like a treasure chest!!!
